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I'm a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Linguistics, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main.
I am currently working on Association with Focus in Mabia (Kasem and Kusaal) and Kwa (Yoruba) languages, with a specific focus directly on the conventional focus-sensitive operators (only, also, and even). My research aims to investigate the syntax-semantic properties of these focus-sensitive operators in these three West African languages, and in relation to their morphosyntactic focus marking patterns.
More generally, I'm interested in syntactic theories, syntax-semantics interface, focus, focus sensitivity, islandhood, resumption, and morpho-syntax, among others, in West African languages.
I am doing my research under the DFG-funded project on the "VP-periphery of the Mabia languages" spoken in Ghana (PI: Prof. Katharina Hartmann).